Supporting Alzheimer's in APRIL

Did you know that it takes 12 quarters to equal one foot and 5,280 feet in a mile?  That is 63,360 quarters in a mile to equal $15,840.

MHA's Alzheimer's Program provides free programs and services for local families and caregivers affected by Alzheimer's and Dementia.  Education and support services change lives of those battling Alzheimer's and Dementia in our community.  100% raised supports the Alzheimer's program, you can help change lives.

Dine with us all April to support Alzheimer's.  Each Monday night in April a local restaurant will donate back when you purchase.   See below for opportunities.   Also follow MHA Alzheimer's Programs on facebook for qualifying restaurant flyers.

Donate Today - A Mile of Quarters

Supporting Alzheimer's families and caregivers in our community.

April 1st
April 1st
April 8th - flyer required
April 8th - flyer required
April 15th - flyer required
April 15th - flyer required
April 22nd
April 22nd
April 29th  flyer required
April 29th flyer required